High Court: In Izidoro Kizito v Attorney General Miscellaneous Cause No.102 of 2019, Hon. Justice Musa Ssekaana ruled that an application filed after such a long period of 8 years and yet there is a pending case /complaint with Uganda Human Rights Commission is an abuse of court process.

In this case, the Mr. Izidora Kizito (applicant) on the 29th day of April 2011 at Nakasero Market in Kampala district was unlawfully and intentionally shot once at the back of his head through the right eye by officers of Uganda Police Force. As a result of the shooting by the said police officers, he sustained grave injuries, was admitted for one month and four days at Mulago Hospital during which time he underwent seven operations. The applicant has since lost his right eye and he desires to have an operation to have it replaced, but has failed due to lack of finances and has not recovered fully. The Uganda Police however contributed Ugshs 800,000/= towards the medical expenses at RELA DENTAL CLINIC.

In sometime in 2013, the applicant filed a complaint with Uganda Human Rights Commission central regional Office vide Kiziti Izidoro and Uganda Police Force, Complaint No. UHRC/19/2013 and investigations were conducted and the case it was yet to be heard.