Call for applications for the CEPIL Rule of Law Champions Initiative (ROLCI) 2021

Applications for the Rule of Law Champions Initiative (ROLCI) 2021 are open. The goal of the Programme is to build and equip young lawyers with knowledge and skills tailored towards promoting a society that respects the Rule of Law and human rights. The ROLCI program targets law students and fresh graduates who will undergo a one week’s training.


ROLCI is a flagship program by the Centre for Public Interest Law (CEPIL) in partnership with Uganda Law Society. The program is highly competitive and admits a limited number of 15 outstanding law students and fresh law graduates in Uganda with an opportunity to be trained by experts.


Rule of Law Champions are expected to write at least two articles per person by the end of the Programme which shall be published in a journal and a presentation on aspects of the youth and the rule of law to a selected panel of experts.

All Rule of Law Champions must have substantial flexibility in their availability to commit to one week of training virtually 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm.

You may apply for the program by completing the Rule of Law Champion Application.

Applicants can expect to be notified on the final status of their application by Friday, 21st May 2021

Previous Rule of Law Champions are not eligible to apply.

Applications for the Rule of Law Champions Initiative (ROLCI) 2021 are open. The goal of the Programme is to build and equip young lawyers