In The Case Of Chelongoi Simon V Uganda Criminal Application No.53 Of 2013 Arising From Criminal Appeal No. 304 Of 2017
The Hon. Justice Barishaki Cheborion in his judgment delivered on the 9th April, 2019 discussed the fact that the fulfilment of one condition when applying for bail is sufficient.
This was a case of defilement where the Applicant was convicted of defilement by the trial Court contrary to Section 129 (4) of the Penal Code Act. The Applicant Appealed to this Court of against his sentence of 11 years imprisonment and also made a Criminal Application to the Court of Appeal for bail pending Appeal under Section 132 (4) of the Trial Indictment Act. The Applicant relied on the ground of medical illness and produced a report to that effect.
The Justice of the Court of Appeal while granting bail to the Applicant held that satisfying one condition for the application of bail is sufficient and that it is no longer necessary to fulfil all the conditions set out under the law.