Article 49 continues to provide guidelines as to how the state of emergency is managed. The article provides for a report being submitted to Parliament.
In every month in which there is a sitting of parliament, the minster responsible shall make a report to parliament in respect of the number of persons restricted or detained under the state of emergency and the action taken in compliance with the findings of the Human Rights Commission. This ensures that the Human Rights of an individual are protected despite the detention.
The minister shall publish every month in the gazette and in the media the number of persons, names and addresses of persons restricted or detained. This helps to keep the interested people of the whereabouts of the detained person.
The report should also indicate the number of cases reviewed by the Uganda Human Rights Commission and the action taken in compliance with the findings of the Human Rights Commission. The report in this case acts like a monitoring tool ensuring that the fundamental human rights are upheld.
For avoidance of any doubt, it is declared that at the end of the emergency declared under this Constitution, any person in or under restriction, detention or custody as a result of the declaration of emergency, shall be released immediately unless charged with a criminal offence in a court of law.