The Constitution under this Article establishes the Uganda Human Rights commission and sets up a structure for it, comprising of a chairperson and not less than three other persons appointed by the president with the approval of parliament. The chairperson of the commission shall be a Judge of the High Court or a person qualified to hold that office. In addition, the requirements are that the chairperson and members of the commission should be persons of high moral character and proven integrity.
The term of office under the Uganda Human Rights Commission is six (6) years and they can be eligible for reappointment.
The Constitution also provides for the functions of the Human Rights Commission as summarised below;
- To investigate on its own initiative or on a complaint made against the violation of any human right.
- To visit jails, prisons and places of detention with a view to assess and inspect conditions of the inmates and make recommendations.
- To establish a continuing program of research, education and information to enhance respect of human rights.
- To recommend to parliament effective measures to promote human rights that is to say compensation of victims of violations of human rights or their families.
- To create and sustain awareness to the society of the provisions of the constitution.
- To educate and encourage the public to defend the constitution at all times against all forms of abuse.
- To formulate, implement and oversee programmes to create awareness in the citizens of their civic duties.
- To monitor the government’s compliance with international treaty and convention obligations on human rights and
- To perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
In conclusion, the constitution also places a duty on the Human Rights Commission to publish periodic reports on its findings and submit annual reports to Parliament on the state of human rights and freedoms in the country. In addition to this, while carrying out its duties, the Uganda Human Rights Commission shall establish its operational guidelines and rules of procedure, request the assistance of any department, bureau, office, agency or person in the performance of its functions and observe the rules of natural justice.