Article 36 of the Constitution provides that minorities have a right to participate in decision making processes and their views and interests shall be taken into account in the making of national plans and objectives.
Minority groups also known as indigenous peoples are those who have retained their social, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live.
Some of these groups in Uganda include the Benet, Barundi, Bayaga, Meru, Basese, Bakingwe and Banyanyanja.
The united nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples (2007) of which Uganda is signatory recognizes that special measures are required to address the many issues which are common to the majority of the ethnic minorities i.e. identity and recognition, political representation, education and language, access to land among other rights.
The constitution under Article 32 also recognizes the need for affirmative action for marginalized groups.