Gad A Kisaalu v Attorney General

Case Brief

The petition was brought under Article 137(1) & (3)(a) of the Constitution of Uganda 1995 and Rule 3(1), (2), (5) and 8(1) of the Constitutional Court (Petition and References) Rules S.I No. 91 of 2005. The Petitioner instituted this suit to challenge the provisions of Section 17 of the Administration of Judiciary Act, 2020 which are inconsistent and/or in contravention with the 1995 Constitution of Uganda.


In 2020 the Administration of Judiciary Act was passed and assented to, giving effect to Chapter Eight of the Constitution that provides for the administration and independence of the Courts of Judicature; strengthen the independence of the judiciary through the provision of and management of funds and also establishing necessary structures within the Judiciary, among others